My mission is to help you transform the quality of your inner world so you can change the outer world.

Hi, my name is Piotr Domurad, and I am so grateful to help so many people succeed with over 50 000 trained.  All I can say is “Thank You”.

Invest 2 h doing Incantations and transform the quality of your life.

Tony Robbin's definition of Incantations

With incantations, you are changing your physiology and changing your state, leading to a different and more positive outlook and approach to each day. While affirmations sound positive, they may not carry the full weight of emotion and transformative power if the person saying them aloud does not actually believe in the thoughts and meaning behind them. Incantations are meant to reverberate throughout the body and mind and alter one’s sense of self.

The formula of Incantation

 Choose one negative emotion you would like to change and 5 positive emotions you would like to change to. And recite it aloud like a poem for a minimum of 2 hours. Feel every positive emotion and embody it. It is best to recite incantations during the march.